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This guide will walk you through the process of building a Keychain in Go, using the Keychain SDK.


  • Go 1.22 or later
  • make

Prepare the chain

Run a Warden Protocol node

You can:

For the rest of this guide, we will assume you have a running Warden Protocol node with a local account that has a few WARD tokens.

The local account will be used to fund the Keychain entity and parties, and will be referenced as <your-key> in the following commands.

Check the list of available accounts by running:

wardend keys list

Check the local account balance by running:

wardend query bank balances <your-key>

In development genesis files, you will typically find an account named shulgin that is ready to be used.

Create a Keychain entity on-chain

We need to register your Keychain entity on-chain. You can do this by running:

wardend tx warden new-keychain \
--description 'My Keychain' \
--from <your-key> \
--chain-id wardenprotocol

Find the ID of your newly created Keychain by running:

wardend query warden keychains

Note the ID of your Keychain entity, which will be referenced as <keychain-id>.

Add a Keychain party

A Keychain party is an account that can write Keychain results (public keys and signatures) to the chain. The Keychain parties list is essentially an allowlist of accounts that can interact on behalf of the Keychain.

Create a new account to be used as a Keychain party:

wardend keys add my-keychain-party

The output will be similar to:

- address: warden18my6wqsrf5ek85znp8x202wwyg8rw4fqhy54k2
name: my-keychain-party
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A2cECb3ziw5/LzUBUZIChyek3bnGQv/PSXHAH28xd9/Q"}'
type: local

**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

virus boat radio apple pilot ask vault exhaust again state doll stereo slide exhibit scissors miss attack boat budget egg bird mask more trick

Note down the mnemonic phrase and the address of the new account, it will be needed to configure the Keychain SDK and interact with the chain using this account.

Fund the new account with some tokens (1 WARD in this example):

wardend tx bank send <your-key> \
$(wardend keys show -a my-keychain-party) \
1000000uward \
--chain-id wardenprotocol

Build the Go app

Scaffold a new Go app

Create a new Go app using the following command:

mkdir my-keychain
cd my-keychain
go mod init my-keychain

This will create a new Go module called my-keychain.

Next, create a new Go file called main.go with the following content:

// main.go

package main

func main() {
// ...

In a second, we will import the Keychain SDK and start building our Keychain.

Import the Keychain SDK

Add the Keychain SDK to your Go module by running:

go get

Then, import and use the SDK in your main.go file to create an App instance:

// main.go

package main

import (


func main() {
app := keychain.NewApp(keychain.Config{ })

Configure the App

Before starting the app, you need to configure it with the necessary information.

A basic configuration for connecting to a local Warden Protocol node is:

package main

import (


func main() {
logger := slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stderr, &slog.HandlerOptions{
Level: slog.LevelDebug,

app := keychain.NewApp(keychain.Config{
Logger: logger, // not required, but recommended

// setup the connection to the Warden Protocol node
ChainID: "wardenprotocol",
GRPCURL: "localhost:9090",
GRPCInsecure: true,

// setup the account used to write txs
KeychainId: <your-keychain-id>,
Mnemonic: "virus boat radio apple pilot ask vault exhaust again state doll stereo slide exhibit scissors miss attack boat budget egg bird mask more trick",
DerivationPath: "m/44'/118'/0'/0/0",

// setup throughput for batching responses
GasLimit: 400000,
BatchTimeout: 8 * time.Second,
BatchSize: 10,

Replace <your-keychain-id> with the ID of the Keychain entity you created earlier, and the mnemonic with the one for the keychain's party.

Start the App

Finally, start the app by calling app.Start:

func main() {
// ...

if err := app.Start(context.TODO()); err != nil {

Run the App

You can try running the app by running:

go run main.go

If everything is set up correctly, you should see the app connecting to the Warden Protocol node and starting to process incoming requests.

The output will be similar to:

time=2024-03-26T12:01:38.020+01:00 level=INFO msg="starting keychain" keychain_id=1
time=2024-03-26T12:01:38.020+01:00 level=INFO msg="connecting to Warden Protocol using gRPC" url=localhost:9090 insecure=true
time=2024-03-26T12:01:38.027+01:00 level=INFO msg="keychain party identity" address=warden18my6wqsrf5ek85znp8x202wwyg8rw4fqhy54k2
time=2024-03-26T12:01:38.027+01:00 level=INFO msg="starting tx writer"

And, if you try to request a new key, you would get this error:

time=2024-03-26T12:01:38.047+01:00 level=INFO msg="got key request" id=25579
time=2024-03-26T12:01:38.048+01:00 level=ERROR msg="key request handler not set"

You can request a new ECDSA Key from SpaceWard of from the CLI, using this command:

wardend tx warden new-key-request \
--space-id 1 \
--keychain-id 1 \
--key-type ecdsa-secp256-k1 \
--from <your-key> \
--chain-id wardenprotocol

Replace the Space ID with the ID of the Space you want to use, and the Keychain ID with the ID of the Keychain entity you created earlier.

The error is expected, as we haven't implemented the key request handler yet.

Implementing the KeyRequestHandler

We are only one step away from generating new Keys and writing them back to the chain.

To do this, we need to implement a KeyRequestHandler that will be called when a new key request is received.

Add the following code to your main.go file:

func main() {
app := ...

app.SetKeyRequestHandler(func(w keychain.KeyResponseWriter, req *keychain.KeyRequest) {
// your custom logic goes here

The KeyRequestHandler function receives a KeyResponseWriter that can be used to write the response back to the chain, and the KeyRequest that contains the details of the request, such as the type of the Key to be generated (e.g. ECDSA secp256k1).

For this example, we will generate a new ECDSA secp256k1 key using the package and store the private keys in-memory.

Let's start by writing our simple in-memory storage:

import (

type Store struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
keys map[uint64]*ecdsa.PrivateKey

func (s *Store) Save(id uint64, key *ecdsa.PrivateKey) {
defer s.mutex.Unlock()

s.keys[id] = key

func (s *Store) Get(id uint64) *ecdsa.PrivateKey {
defer s.mutex.Unlock()

return s.keys[id]

And then, we can implement a functioning KeyRequestHandler:

import (

func main() {
// ...

store := &Store{
keys: make(map[uint64]*ecdsa.PrivateKey),

app.SetKeyRequestHandler(func(w keychain.KeyResponseWriter, req *keychain.KeyRequest) {
if req.KeyType != v1beta2.KeyType_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA_SECP256K1 {
logger.Error("unsupported key type", "type", req.KeyType)
w.Reject("unsupported key type")

key, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to generate key", "error", err)
w.Reject("failed to generate key")

store.Save(req.Id, key)

pubKey := crypto.CompressPubkey(&key.PublicKey)

if err := w.Fulfil(pubKey); err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to fulfil key request", "error", err)

// ...

Implementing the SignRequestHandler

Now that we can generate new keys, let's implement the SignRequestHandler.

It acts similarly to the KeyRequestHandler, but instead of generating new keys, it signs the provided data using the private key associated with the request.

It's important to be able to recover the private key associated with a specific KeyRequest ID, so we will use the same Store we created earlier.

Add the following code to your main.go file:

func main() {
// ...

app.SetSignRequestHandler(func(w keychain.SignResponseWriter, req *keychain.SignRequest) {
key := store.Get(req.KeyId)
if key == nil {
logger.Error("key not found", "id", req.KeyId)
w.Reject("key not found")

sig, err := crypto.Sign(req.DataForSigning, key)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to sign", "error", err)
w.Reject("failed to sign")

if err := w.Fulfil(sig); err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to fulfil sign request", "error", err)

// ...


You have now built a simple Keychain in Go using the Keychain SDK, that stores ECDSA private keys in-memory and uses them to sign data.

By implementing the KeyRequestHandler and SignRequestHandler functions, you can plug in any key generation and signing logic you need, e.g. interacting with external APIs, hardware security modules, or other key management systems such as MPC networks.

You can now run the app again and interact with it using the SpaceWard UI or the CLI.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to ask in the #keychain-operators channel on Discord.

Happy coding! 🚀